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Picture of Hammer

Using A Hammer

Using a hammer may seem straight forward right? You swing and hit, but there is much more to it than just that. I will just barely scratch the surface on how to use a hammer and all the uses for a hammer.



When you are holding a hammer, you want to be in a good position, not twisted or at a weird angle. Make sure you are in a position where your hands are holding onto the object, but not in the way of the strike. Keep your fingers safe! 🤞


While striking, try to hit the head of the hammer with the object that you are attempting to hit whether that be a nail, or an object. Depending on the object, you may not need to put excessive force. Keep a firm grip on the handle of the hammer to make sure that it does not go flying.

How to Use Hammers

Holding the Hammer

When holding a hammer, hold it close to the bottom of the handle, as you will get the most amount of power out of your swing. Hold it with a firm grip because flying hammers are not fun.

Aiming your Hammer

When aiming for your object, you may tend to miss. If that is the case, you should slow down and reassess where the object is. From here, you should be able to hit the right place.

Swinging Motion

Swinging your hammer should not be a big swing. You just need to bring the hammer to where you have enough force to strike your object.

Controlling Force

While swinging your hammer, you should get a feel of how much force you need to strike your object in the direction you want. If it is going in the wrong direction, move it in the opposite direction of where you want it to go. You'll know if your doing it right!

Removal of Nails

To remove nails, use the claw part of the hammer and pry up. You may need to get in a better position to get more leverage.


Mallets are used to hit pieces that you do not want a indent in from the metal on metal contact. You would use a mallet the same way you would a hammer, but do not use a mallet to hit sharp objects. Picture of Mallet