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Collection & Iterable Interface

Collections store a number of objects of the same type. The objects within a collection are often referred to as elements or items. For example, all students within a school form a collection that can be used to calculate their average grades. In this case, each student can be represented as an individual object, or element inside the collection.

Before we go into the different collection types in Kotlin, it is important for us to understand the iterable interface and how it relates to Collections.

*Interfaces: Interfaces in kotlin contain abstract methods and method implementations for their implementing classes.

Iterable interface defines the operations for iterating over elements. Let's go back to our previous example of students inside a school being a "collection". If we want to go through this "collection" and obtain information about every students' names, how would we approach that? In the real world, we can set the students up in a line and record their names one by one. And with collections in kotlin, we can approach that with specific methods that we inherit from the iterable interface that allow us to iterate or loop through a collection. The Collection interface also has its own helpful implementations of methods for its subclasses as well. Such as getting the size, checking item membership, checking if two collections are equal, and so on.

Overview: Collection is the root of the collection hierarchy. The collection interface implements the Iterable interface, meaning that it is a child of the iterable interface and will be inheriting many methods and properties from its parent.


A List is an ordered collection with access to elements by indices – integer numbers that reflect their position. Elements can occur more than once in a list. An example of a list is a telephone number: it's a group of digits, their order is important, and they can repeat.

Similar to languages like Java & C++, Kotlin indices to access elements also begin at 0.

Example of Accessing List Elements Using Indices

We can access the elements within a List by using the index operator []. By passing in the index value that we wish to access [0], we can get the element inside.

fun main() {
    val myList = listOf<Int>(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
public class Java {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<Integer> myList = new ArrayList<>();

        myList.add(0, 1);


Explanation: Inside our simple program, we initialized a readable list of integers (only able to store integer values) with the values 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. We then made an output to the console with the value stored in index ([]) 0. If we were to access the index [1], the value returned would be 2.

When we think about lists: It can be helpful for us to visualize list elements as independent boxes, and each box contains a value. From our previous example, we can think of the readable list myList as a container for the boxes. And the independent boxes store values of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. When we outputted index 0 ([0]), we are essentially saying: "open the box at index 0 and tell me the value inside."

List of Strings: We can also create a list of strings:

Example of List of Strings

We can create a list of Strings in Kotlin similar to a list of Integers that we've seen previously.

fun main() {
    val myStringList = listOf<String>("f", "u", "n", "n", "y")
    print(myStringList[0] + myStringList[1] + myStringList[2] + myStringList[3] + myStringList[4])
    for(i in myStringList) {

Explanation: Inside our example, we created a new list of type String and initialized it with individual characters that make up the word "funny". We also used a for loop to help us print out the individual characters instead of printing them out individually using a print statement. It is helpful right now to be exposed to the ideas of a for loop, and we will be covering them in later chapters.

Lists: After exploring many examples, we can say that lists are needed when we need to store multiple values of the same type. Lists are also helpful when we need to store values whose order matters, just like our list of strings example.

Read-only List

Similarities: Bringing back val vs. var from previous chapters, a readable-only list is quite similar to a val variable, where once it is initialized, the value of it can not be changed. This means that once we initialized a list with values, we are not allowed to update the values(nor size), and certain operations will be limited.

Consider the following code:

fun main() {
    val list = listOf<Int>(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    list.add(6) // not legal
    list.remove(0) // not legal

Explanation: Why is the add & remove methods illegal? That is because a list is automatically read-only when we initialize them, meaning that the contents & size can not be updated after the initialization.

Rules: When we choose to use a fixed list, we should know that..

  1. After the initialization, the size is not mutable
  2. After the initialization, we can not add elements into the list
  3. After the initialization, we can not remove elements from the list

why immutable lists?: We use immutable lists when we are working with fixed elements. An example can be country names. Another example can be individual phone number digits, where their orders matter, and can not be changed. In general, it is a good programming practice to use immutable lists when we can or need to.

Mutable List

Similarities: Referring back to our knowledge about var and val from previous chapters, a mutable list is quite similar to a var variable, where it can be changed in different places throughout our code.

For example:

fun main() {
// initial size is 4 (counting from 0)
val myMutableList = mutableListOf<Int>(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
// size is now 5
// size is now 4
for(i in myMutableList) {

Explanation: Inside our program, we initialized a new integer mutable list with the values 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Since mutable lists are dynamic, meaning that the size would adjust according to its elements, we are able to add and remove elements. Inside the code, the add() method is used to add a new element into our list. We then used the removeAt() method to remove the element stored in index 0, which is 1.

why mutable lists?: We use mutable lists when we are working with unknown amount of values. For example, we may prefer a mutable instead of a immutable when we are working with a list that contains a persons' favorite music - this list will constantly be changed and updated and some songs will be removed and more will be added in.

List Methods


The get() method requires an argument of a valid index number, and returns the value inside the index

    fun main() {
    val myList = listOf<Int>(1, 2, 3)
    println("Value at index 2 is: ${myList.get(2)}")

The subList() method requires two arguments, first is begin index (inclusive), second is end index(exclusive)

    fun main() {
    val myList = listOf<Int>(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    println("Value between index 0 to 3 is: ${myList.subList(0, 3)}")

The add() method requires one argument, and it is the value that we wish to add to our current mutable list. The value will automatically be placed behind all indexes

    fun main() {
    val myList = mutableListOf<Int>(1, 2, 3)

The removeAt() method removes the element at the given index

    fun main() {
    val myList = mutableListOf<String>("Hello", "World", "And", "Yes")

The equals() method takes in another list of the same type, and returns a boolean on whether the two lists are equal

    fun main() {
    val myListA = listOf<Int>(1, 2, 3, 4)
    val myListB = listOf<Int>(1, 2, 3, 4)
    val myListC = listOf<Int>(1, 3, 2, 5)


A Set stores unique elements; their order is generally undefined. null elements are unique as well: a Set can contain only one null. Two sets are equal if they have the same size, and for each element of a set there is an equal element in the other set.

Unlike lists: the orders in a set do not matter, and when we are using a set, we don't care about the orders. As well, sets don't support indices to access specific indexes like lists.

Example of a set

fun main() {
val mySet = setOf(4, 2, 1, 3, 5, 9)
// not legal: print(mySet[0])

Explanation: A set can also be seen as an unordered list, and the action mySet[] is not legal

Read-only Set

Immutable Set: A read-only set is very similar to a read-only list, where no new elements can be added or removed

Mutable Set

Mutable Set: A mutable set is also very similar to a mutable list, where elements could be added and removed. However, a duplicate element can be added.

Set Methods


The add() method takes in one integer argument and adds the integer to the end of the set

fun main() {
    val mySet = mutableSetOf<Int>(4, 2, 5, 6, 1)
    // notice how the elements 4 and 5 will not printed out for the second time -> they were never added

The remove() method takes in one integer argument and removes that integer from the list (if not in list, does nothing)

fun main() {
    val mySet = mutableSetOf<Int>(4, 2, 5, 6, 1)
    // does nothing as 9 does not exist in our set
    // removes the integer 5 and shifts everything "forward"


Map<K, V> is not an inheritor of the Collection interface; however, it's a Kotlin collection type as well. A Map stores key-value pairs (or entries); keys are unique, but different keys can be paired with equal values. The Map interface provides specific functions, such as access to value by key, searching keys and values, and so on.

Key to Value with Maps

fun main() {
    // initializing a map that maps a integer key to a string value
    val myMap = mapOf<Int, String>(1 to "one", 2 to "two", 3 to "three")

Explanation: Notice how when we created our map, we explicitly referenced it is a map of Integer keys ot String values, this is not required, but is a good practice. When we initialized the map, we also put some pairs inside the map. In simple words, the to keyword pairs the key to the value in our map. So the operation 1 to "one" means to make a new key with integer number 1, and have it store the string of "one". And thus in the future, it provides simple access to look-up the values stored inside 1.

Why Maps?: Maps allow us to establish relationships between keys and values, and allow us to retrieve data quickly. Since every key is unique in a map, it allows us to more accurately retrieve the data we need. An example key-value relationship can be student to grade. Since every student is different (unique keys), we can map them to their corresponding grade. And thus in the future, it provides easier access for us to quickly look at a student's grades.

Read-only Map

Read-only maps: Similar to immutable sets and lists, we will not be able to add, remove, or change any contents within the immutable map after it is initialized.

Immutable Map

fun main() {
    val myImmutableMap = mapOf<Int, Char>(1 to 'a', 2 to 'b', 3 to 'c', 4 to 'd')
    // not legal
    //myImmutableMap.put(5, 'e')
    // not legal
    //myImmutableMap[1] = 'f'

Explanation: As shown above, operations that attempts to edit a map after its declaration is illegal. (you can remove the comments and see the output!)

Mutable Map

Mutable Maps: Mutable maps functions exactly the same as an immutable map, other than the abilities to be able to add, remove, and change the contents after its declaration. Consider the following code:

Mutable Maps

fun main() {
val myMutableMap = mutableMapOf<Int, Char>()
// assignment operator for maps
myMutableMap[1] = 'a'
// can also use put() -> works in java
myMutableMap.put(2, 'b')
// adding more keys-values
myMutableMap[3] = 'c'
myMutableMap[4] = 'd'
// creating a new pair with the key of 1 with a different value -> watch what happens
myMutableMap[1] = 'f'

Explanation: As we can see, a mutable map's contents can be added or edited. However, if we make a new key that already exists in our map, the new key will overwrite the old key with the new value. The [] operator is different for maps than for lists and arrays. The [] here is used to create a new key and store the value on the right side of the equal sign. We are basically saying: "Put whatever value is on the right side of the equal sign, and store it into the key on the left side.

Map Methods


The keys() method returns a list of keys from the map

fun main() {
    val myMap = mapOf<Int, Char>(1 to 'a', 2 to 'b', 3 to 'c')